Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are available in various departments throughout the hospital, and assignments and schedules are made on an individual basis after consideration of both the hospital's needs and the volunteer's goals. Many volunteers welcome the opportunity to apply their talents in fields different from their work experience. The volunteer program is flexible, so a niche can be found for each volunteer's area of interest.
Since the volunteer program began in 1983, volunteers have donated thousands of hours of their time each year to the service of patients and visitors. While volunteers receive special recognition throughout the year for their service to the hospital, most volunteers are also rewarded by the personal satisfaction that comes from helping others. Contact us today and learn more about getting involved with the volunteer program.
Adult Volunteer Program
Adult volunteers play a vital role in the day-to-day operations of the hospital. A minimum of one 4-hour shift per week is required. An adult volunteer uniform consists of a burgundy polo shirt (provided by Flowers Hospital) and khaki or black pants.
Adult volunteers may serve in the following areas:
- Information desk: Volunteers staff the information desk to inform visitors of patient room numbers, locations of various offices, etc.
- Hospital mail & flower delivery: Volunteers bring good cheer to patients by delivering mail and flowers to patient rooms.
- Nursing units: Volunteers provide assistance to patients under the direction of nurses. There is no hands-on care. Areas in which volunteers may assist include sitting with patients when family members are not available, serving drinks and meal trays as requested and assisting in getting necessary supplies.
- Clinical areas: Volunteers assist with preparation in examination rooms by restocking linens as well as supplies for each room, picking up supplies from other departments as needed and assisting the department secretaries with general office duties.
In order to become an adult volunteer, please follow the process below:
- Complete the adult volunteer application.
- Submit your application the following ways:
- Return your completed application to the volunteer services department Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and Noon or 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
- Mail your completed application to:
Flowers Hospital
Attn: Volunteer Services
4370 West Main St
Dothan, AL 36305.
- Drop off your completed application at the information desk in the hospital lobby.
- Once the volunteer manager has received the application, an interview will be scheduled along with an appointment for a drug screen and TB skin test, at no cost to the applicant, with the employee health nurse.
- Following the interview, an identification badge will be made and an orientation packet will be given to the applicant to read and return to the volunteer services department.
- Once the paperwork in the orientation packet has been completed, call the volunteer services manager at (334) 794-5000, ext. 8235 to schedule an appointment for review. Please allow 30 minutes for this appointment.
- Once the drug screen results are returned (up to two weeks), the volunteer will be contacted to pick up their identification badge and finalize their volunteer schedule. Identification badges must be returned upon the completion of the volunteering period.
For more information, please contact volunteer services by calling (334) 794-5000, ext. 8235