Flowers Hospital's July 2013 Community Cares Associates of the Month
Flowers Hospital's July 2013 Community Cares Associates of the Month

Pictured standing (L to R): Tiffany Hughes (Nursery) “Sensitivity to Customer Wait Times”, Ronald Toliver (Materials Management) “Outstanding Communication”, Darlene Long (Food & Nutrition) “Outstanding Responsiveness”, Bill Woodham (Security) “Service Recovery”. Seated (L to R): Donna Kimble (3 South) “Commitment to a Safe Environment”. Jennifer Moon (6th Surgical) “Sense of Ownership”, Lori Parker (Dothan Neuroscience Center) “Positive Attitude”. Not pictured : Rosie Bennett (Medical Records) “Respect for Privacy”, Averi Howell (Respiratory Care) “Professional Appearance”, Michael Robinson (4 South) “Commitment to Coworkers.”