Flowers Hospital Community Cares Associates of the Month for February 2014
The Flowers Hospital Community Cares Associates of the Month for February 2014 are: Pictured standing (L to R): Michelle Whitehurst (Interventional Radiology) “Commitment to a Safe Environment”, Tamie Belcher (Outpatient Surgery) “Service Recovery”, Shelia Wade (Human Resources) “Sense of Ownership”, Ellen Gillaspy (CCU) “ Professional Appearance”, Paula Deese (Business Office) “Outstanding Communication”, Doug Wilson (6th Surgical) “Sensitivity to Customer Wait Times”. Seated (L to R): Karen Beckham (Rehab Services) “Outstanding Responsiveness”, Adrienne Slaughter (2 South) “Commitment to Co-workers”, Wendi Pierce (Registration) “Positive Attitude”. Not pictured: Melissa Pethel (Digestive Disorder Center) “Respect for Privacy”