Flowers Hospital Announces the December Community Cares Associates of the Month
DOTHAN, AL (12/16/13) – The Flowers Hospital Community Cares Associates of the
Month for December 2013 are: Pictured standing (L to R): Candace Umphrey (CCU) “Sensitivity to Customers Wait Times”, Carolyn Byrd (Cardiac Rehab) “ Outstanding Responsiveness”, Virginia Culver (Environmental Services) “Professional Appearance”, Carol Honaker (MRI) “Commitment to a Safe Environment”, Kaitlynn Moore (3 South) “Sense of Ownership”, Mary McCaffrey (Nursery) “Service Recovery”. Seated (L to R): Courtney Cannon (Rehab Services) “Positive Attitude”, Jonathan Ward (Medical Records) “Respect for Privacy”, Amy Kirkland (Respiratory) “Outstanding Communication”. Not pictured: Sue Ann German (Surgery) “Commitment to Co-workers”.
