Flowers Hospital's June 2013 Community Cares Associates of the Month
Flowers Hospital's June 2013 Community Cares Associates of the Month

Pictured standing (L to R): Tonya Williams (Compliance) “Commitment to Coworkers”, John Hoover (Pharmacy) “Sense of Ownership”, Forrestann Harrelson (Medical Outpatient) “Outstanding Communication”, Robert Jackson (Medical Records) “Positive Attitude”, Amanda Pitts (Business Office) “Professional Appearance”. Seated (L to R): Liz Chancey (Emergency Department) “Outstanding Responsiveness”, Jennifer Carlo (4 South) “ Sensitivity to Customer Wait Times”, Alana Adams (Radiology) “Commitment to a Safe Environment”. Not pictured: Anna Jones (SICU) “Respect for Privacy”, Kelley Enfinger (4 North) “Service Recovery”.