Flowers Hospital's February 2013 Community Cares Associates of the Month
Flowers Hospital's February 2013 Community Cares Associates of the Month
Pictured standing (L to R): Mike Bess (Plant Ops) “Positive Attitude”, Theresa Howell (Medical Records) “Commitment to Coworkers”, Carol Godwin (Neuro Testing) “Service Recovery”, Wendy Kirkland (Quality) “Outstanding Communications”, Jennifer Odom (Human Resources) “Respect for Privacy”, Seated (L to R): Bailey Barnes (CCU)
“Professional Appearance”, Mitch Oliver (6th Surgical) “Commitment to a Safe
Environment”, Tammy Key (Wound Care Center) “Sensitivity to Customer Wait Times” - Pictured from top to bottom: Earline McReal (Radiology) “Sense of Ownership”,
Regina Turner (Cath Lab) “Outstanding Responsiveness”